Tuesday, April 22, 2008

a fun weekend!

my weekend was quite fun...not because there are no classes but because we had an outing, the "seniors" of CAT in our high school...it was fun..though it didn't turn out to be as planned...but at least we had fun together right? haha!

honestly, i thought at first that i wouldn't 'belong' since the people i'm with are older than me--just a few years anyway--and i am kinda an introvert when things get..uh..get that way...haha

but hey! i enjoyed that overnight swimming because some of the older batches are my friends..and i had one batchmate...haha..it still was really fun..er..even though i don't remember quite a lot about what happened..haha!!

i hope we couold do that again seniors!

Monday, April 14, 2008

a little bit crazy...

well, i was almost as crazy as a child could be today...i don't know why exactly..i think i'm missing how to be a child...well, i hope i get over this as soon as possible because tomorrow we have another meeting for CWTS..and i wouldn't want to be "childish" during class, would i...*sigh*

anyway...have a happy summer to you(those without summer classes)...