Saturday, October 02, 2010

Simple Logic

I haven’t been active in my blog lately…
Actually, I haven’t been active for a very long time now…
That’s why I’m starting anew. I changed my blog’s URL address, I changed my header, and I changed my theme. In short, I had a total overhaul of my blog.

Maybe people are wondering why my URL address changed from the childish sounding kemyang to the weird kemellipsis. Well, it’s basically because I have been fond of ellipses lately especially in typing micro-blogs.  A simple equation: kem + ellipsis = kemellipsis. Voila! There you have it, my blog’s new URL address. I didn’t think much about it actually. It was a second choice really, because I wanted to have karmakemeleon as my new address for a more witty effect. But apparently, it is not available anymore so I had to think of another one. Since I like typing ellipsis in my micro-blog, I thought of putting it together with my name. So there you go. There’s really nothing deep behind this URL address. This is basically for everyone’s information so that they won’t ask why I changed my URL to something less relevant or less significant – and less witty.

     Blog Title
Another noticeable thing in my blog probably is the new header/title. From kem’s dreamy days to attack of the ellipses which sounds very similar to my URL address – I did say I’m fond of ellipses, didn’t I? Well, this changed simply because I do not have any more dreamy thoughts to post in this blog. I’m trying to make this something worth reading – I know I’m not doing very well in that aspect – that’s why I revamped this blog into something very different from the way it was before. Maybe, just maybe, there is a deeper sense that brought about this change. From the childish and immature blogging (if you can actually call it that) to something totally (or maybe just a bit) opposite, I subconsciously want to change how I present my thoughts online. I don’t see the blog, MY blog, the same way I saw it before.


Generally, I want everyone to know that I’m changing this blog into something new. Therefore, those who like reading my blog because of the rants and emo-watchamahoolas I posted here before, I apologize if you get disappointed now. I might have some rants every now and then to spice my blog up a bit, but I really want to create something worthy of being called a BLOG.

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